NEW Exact Bus Fare Policy.

April 17, 2023


 Effective July 3, 2023, MTA will implement a new exact fare policy for each boarding and when purchasing bus ticket or bus passes. MTA’s top priority is to protect our passengers and staff. This is a new safety measure to provide a contactless fare exchange system between staff and passengers.

On this date, any passenger when boarding any MTA bus must have the exact fare ready prior to boarding and must pay each time when boarding the bus. Failure to pay proper exact fare will result in denial of transportation services. MTA cannot give change or refunds, and the driver will not have any cash on hand as of this date.

MTA now offers the new transit token bus pass. Download the transit token app and pay online and just show your driver your payment. There will be a running clock and all passes must be used by the expiration of the clock. No exceptions.

All fares will remain the same and you must review the fare policy per route to ensure proper fare is given at time of boarding. Please review our website at

If you have any questions, please contact the MTA office at (304) 872-5872.